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Muffins cooling on the rack.

Funny thing about trying to bake when you’re in the process of packing up a house: sometimes you realize some things were packed up perhaps a bit too soon, which in turn provides opportunity for a little improvisation. Such was the case this time around with the Buttermilk Crumb Muffins. After a bit of a rough morning, I decided the best pick me up was a trip into the kitchen to whip up these lovelies. Definitely one of the easier and less time-intensive recipes, I was able to complete the method pretty much all by myself. The hands-on (literally) nature of mixing the dry ingredients together was a lot of fun for me, allowing me to get my hands dirty in the name of delicious awesomeness. The few changes I did make to the recipe still made for a fabulous result: in lieu of nutmeg, I replaced it with the equal amount of cardamom, replaced vegetable shortening with butter, and changed out a quarter cup of white flour in favour of whole wheat. The satisfaction of putting them together, and the ensuing flood of the scent of cinnamon in the kitchen made all the stress from earlier in the day melt away. The end result was a fluffy, buttery, melt in your mouth muffin that I’m going to have a lot of trouble being able to share with anyone….buut seeing how they only keep for a day or two, I’ll have to anyway. Until next time fellow bakers! I look forward to seeing how this recipe turned out for everybody!!


This week’s host is: Alisa. You can find everyone’s links here: Buttermilk Crumb Muffins